Signage and Bill Boards
The need for signs and advertisements has always been a major industry but the advent of high tech bill boards which are much heavier than traditional ones means that the securing of these to the supporting structures is critical.
Billboards and signs will mostly be installed in traffic areas to get the most exposure and where directions are needed. To make them visible they are installed in high prominent areas and therefore generally above the passing people or vehicles. The passing traffic from humans or vehicles as well as the elements such as high wind loads in exposed areas contribute to dynamic load and vibrations. It is critical that the bolted joints made to secure them in place will not come loose and cause a potential hazard.
This is where the WL Series wedge lock washers offer the perfect solution because it will maintain the pre-load on the joint until it is physically un-tightened.
The typical applications are for securing the framework of the billboards/signs together as well as securing the framework to the supporting structure.